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Making Your Home Science Friendly

If you've listened to the news lately, you know there's been a serious decline in college students studying and graduating in what we refer to as the 'science' fields. In some universities whole chemistry programs are being discontinued because the schools can't find professionals to staff the programs. This is a huge concern for all of us, because it's scientists who keep our technologies moving ahead, who invent products or processes that improve our lives and who open up doors of knowledge for the general population.
Grassroots efforts are being organized by political and educational groups alike to reignite the fire of interest in science among our elementary and high school aged children. But, easily the most influential place for young people to develop an interest and love for the sciences is within the walls of their own homes.
As a parent there is much we can do to make our homes science friendly and encourage a sense of curiosity and adventure in our children for the world in which they live. In the process many moms and dads find their own interest in the sciences rekindled. When science is introduced as a fun way to figure out why things happen the way they do, it is naturally attractive to kids.
The following are a few things you can do to make your home a science friendly environment.
  1. Explore and experiment with your child. If mom or dad thinks an activity is fun, a child is more likely to enjoy it as well. Let the child lead the way when it comes to learning, and use questions and discussions to bring out points they might have missed.

  2. Check out local science related attractions such as zoos, planetariums, aquariums and children's science museums, then visit and explore these places together.

  3. Gather and keep science tools in your home and allow your children to use them.
    • Things like empty soda bottles, rubber bands, straws and balloons, when combined with some of the normal cooking and baking supplies in your cupboard can provide great learning experiences in chemical reactions and physics. But, be prepared to get a little messy. Great learning requires getting your hands dirty sometimes.

    • Books, whether from the library or purchased yourself, can be a great boon to developing scientists. Whether you're trying to identify the trees in your backyard, create a pop-bottle volcano or learn why a group of swallows chooses to nest in an abandoned barn, books can be a great source of information and a jumping off point for more exploration.

    • When getting a close up look at something small or faraway, a set of binoculars, a hand-held magnifying glass and a microscope are worth their weight in gold. They expand the visual horizons allowing children to explore worlds beyond their natural reach. A good set of binoculars are great for learning about astronomy and biology, while a microscope brings a new perspective to everyday items like flower petals and pond water.
When parents are able to spark an interest in science within their children, they open up possibilities and opportunities in their future that might not have been there otherwise.
Deanne Blackhurst is a freelance writer for Field Optics Research, creator of the original EyeShield. EYESHIELDs enhance the effectiveness of virtually all performance field optics including binoculars, microscopes and spotting scopes. Come visit our website to learn more. Field Optics Research


  1. It will be great achievement if we can developed our home science properly and i hope most of the people are like this job. For get more invention in here it can helps us so more.


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